Total of students to be admitted
Department Department of
Child Education
Department of
Psychology and Social Work
Department of
Health and Nutrition
Department of
Global Studies
Admission capacity 70 65 80 60
Admission by School Recommendation 35 30 40 26
Comprehensive Selection 15 10 Round I, Round II, Sister schools 15 12
General entrance
Schedule A 10 15 16 10
Schedule B 2 2 2 2
Schedule C 2 2 2 2
Selection using
the Common Test for
University Admissions
Schedule A 2 2 2 4
Schedule B 2 2 2 2
Schedule C 2 2 1 2
Selection of adult students A few A few A few A few

*Each figure for Admission by School Recommendation indicates the total of students to be admitted by recommendation of designated schools and sister schools, public applications and special selection for sister schools.
*Each figure for Comprehensive Selection indicates the total of students to be admitted in Rounds I, II, III and Sister schools.