Message from the Dean
Learning in the Faculty of Human Sciences,
Sendai Shirayuri Women's College

Sendai Shirayuri Women's College and Sendai Shirayuri Junior College were established in 1966. In 1996, the Junior College and Women’s College were reorganized into a college with a single Facutly of Human Sciences. In 2021, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the college's opening.
As stated in the Message from the President, the parent organization of Shirayuri Gakuen is the Convent of St. Paul of Chartres (whose headquarters is now in Rome) which conducted welfare and educational activities in France in the 17th century. The Convent also celebrated the 325th anniversary of its founding in 2021. The names of the Gakuen and the Convent are well known in Japan, and throughout the world. The Faculty of Human Sciences, Sendai Shirayuri Women's college is the only Catholic college in the Tohoku area and was established for education and research with the Christian spirit of love as an axis.
The Faculty of Human Sciences consists of four departments and aims to pursue solutions to the various problems of society from a wide range of research fields using interdisciplinary and professional approaches based on the spirit of Christian love. Our faculty members are experts in research fields and are committed to helping students in determining their ideal career through education and practical expertise acquired over four years.
According to Teikoku Databank Data, the rate of women managers in Japan in 2021 was only 8.9%. Compared to advanced countries in Europe and the US, the environment is difficult for women in Japan who want to undertake leadership roles in order to actively contribute to society. We need to improve our society so that women can select any path toward their ideal career.
As a women’s college, we offer an environment where students can focus on their studies without worrying about their surroundings. Starting in their first year of studies, students at Sendai Shirayuri Women’s College take classes where they are encouraged to objectively explore the issues facing women and minorities and to offer solutions on how to improve the present situation. This is the strength of a small college. This is also reflected in the close relationship between students and faculty members, and an environment where faculty can be approached easily. We have a number female teachers and students can benefit from their mentoring or consultation activities.
People who take care of themselves and love their neighbors are wonderful people. A person grows while meeting people and communicating with them. Through relationships with others, students acquire the ability to be independent and develop their ideal career. The Faculty of Human Sciences, Sendai Shirayuri Women’s College places importance on the formation of character, aiming to cultivate women with a flexible and gentle sensibility as well as the from the viewpoints in individual specialized research areas. Through this students develop a healthy self-esteem that allows them to improve the lives of others. Our teachers and staff are here to support students in achieving their goals.
Education and Research Purpose
The Faculty of Human Sciences aims to foster independent women in obtaining e a wide-ranging education and deep expertise with rich sensibility and social sense so that they can contribute to the realization of true human happiness, peace and welfare, based on the love and reverence for people that are rooted in the teachings of Christ.
Policy for admission of New Students
We seek students who understand the philosophy of the foundation and the purpose of education of this college, have a deep interest in people and society and are strongly committed to studying with a spirit of inquiry. In addition, we seek students who are willing to take on the challenge of acting positively to improve self-expression and communication skills and to make their dreams and hopes come true.
Curriculum Policy of the Faculty of Human Sciences
Common undergraduate subjects shall be established beyond the boundaries of the departments. These common undergraduate subjects will include subjects related to the spirit of the founding of the university, basic education subjects, common liberal arts subjects, subjects related to globalization, and career subjects. Within this group of subjects, the required subjects for first-year education include Christian studies, basic seminars, Japanese language expression, and information sciences. In order to promote students’ independent learning, the order of courses, content level, and timetabling will be taken into consideration, and small class sizes, detailed class development and methods will be implemented accordingly.
The faculty’s founding spirit
Christianity and Humanity are required courses in order to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and the dignity of the human person based on the values of the gospel.
In order to understand contemporary social issues based on the spirit of Christianity, Christianity-related courses are offered in addition to Christianity and Humanity. The faculty offers religious events that allow to experience the Christian view of man and the world, and volunteer activities as opportunities to take concrete action to solve contemporary problems and issues.
Depending on the class format (lecture or exercises), forms of active learning will be applied.
For lecture courses, the level of achievement will be evaluated in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner by written examinations, reports, and class participation in accordance with the learning objectives. For activities outside of class, (self-)evaluation will be made based on records of participation and reflections.
Universal knowledge and education
Courses in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences will be offered as common liberal arts courses to provide students with a broad knowledge and understanding of people, culture, and nature, and to promote learning that cultivates a diverse and comprehensive understanding.
Courses related to international relations and cross-cultural understanding are offered as subjects related to globalization.
The Health and Sports area is designed for women to acquire holistic health.
Depending on the class format (lecture, seminar, experiment, practical training, or skill training), active learning and experiential learning will be combined as appropriate.
For lecture courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations,reports,participation, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives. For exercises, experiments, practical training, and practical skills courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations, reports, participation, content of presentations, practical skills, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives.
Generic knowledge and skills
In order to acquire communication skills in Japanese, Japanese Expression will be a required course.
To acquire communication skills in foreign languages, there will be courses in English, including oral communication with a focus on listening and speaking.
Courses in Korean, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish are offered for the study of foreign languages other than English.
Courses in mathematics, AI, and data processing will be offered as part of literacy education.
Career Design is offered as a subject to acquire knowledge of career development. Courses to develop working skills for career development are offered.
Depending on the class format (lecture, seminar, experiment, practical training, or skill training), active learning, experiential learning, etc., will be combined as appropriate.
For lecture courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations,reports,participation, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives. For exercises, experiments, practical training, and practical skills courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations, reports, participation, content of presentations, practical skills, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives.
To enable students to think for themselves and act proactively in order to interact in and contributr to a diverse society, opportunities are provided for active and autonomous learning through experience and practice both on and off campus, such as seminars and practical training, fieldwork, overseas training, study abroad programs, and internships.
Depending on the class format (lecture, seminar, experiment, practical training, or skill training), active learning, experiential learning, etc., will be combined as appropriate.
For lecture courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations, reports, participation, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives. For exercises, experiments, practical training, and practical skills courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations, reports, participation, content of presentations, practical skills, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives. Volunteer and other out-of-class activities will be evaluated based on participation records and reflections.
Integrated learning experiences and creative thinking skills
Seminars are held for students to acquire the ability to utilize their acquired knowledge, skills, and attitudes comprehensively to solve their own problems, and graduation research, thesis, and seminar projects are conducted.
Seminars, practical training, and PBL courses are offered for students to acquire the ability to think creatively. Courses to cultivate the ability to investigate, analyze, think, and express in order to acquire the ability to discover and solve problems.
Depending on the class format (lecture, seminar, experiment, practical training, or skill training), active learning, experiential learning, etc., will be combined as appropriate.
For lecture courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations, reports, participation, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives. For exercises, experiments, practical training, and practical skills courses, the level of achievement will be determined by written examinations, reports, participation, content of presentations, practical skills, etc., in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in line with the learning objectives.
*Each department will offer specialized courses to study the specialized fields of the department and acquire specialized knowledge and skills, as well as various courses to obtain qualifications. In addition, to enable students to study specialized fields outside their own departments, a portion of specialized courses are offered in other departments as related courses.
Policy on Graduation Approval and Degree Conferment
DP1: Understanding the Spirit of the Foundation of the College
Students shall understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and the concept of "human dignity" based on evangelical values. They should comprehensively understand the problems in modern society considering Christian principles and be able to take specific actions to solve these issues.
- Understanding Christian views of human beings and the world.
- Understanding problems in modern society based on Christian principles.
- Taking specific actions to solve problems.
DP2: Universal Knowledge and Education
Students should receive a broad education in humanities, society, nature, and the environment. They should understand the culture of their own country as well as other countries and have a basic foundation for women to live autonomously.
- Broad education on human beings.
- Broad education on society.
- Broad education on nature and the environment.
- Understanding the culture of their own country and other countries.
- Basic foundation for women to live autonomously.
DP3: Generic Knowledge and Skills
Students should acquire language abilities, communication skills, information handling skills, and knowledge that contribute to career development, both as a member of society and as a professional.
- Communication skills in Japanese and foreign languages.
- Information-handling ability.
- Knowledge for career development.
DP4: Attitude/Intentionality
Students should be able to communicate and cooperate with various people, think independently, take positive actions to contribute to society, and demonstrate empathy towards those who are different from themselves.
- Abilities to communicate and cooperate with various people.
- Abilities to think independently and take positive actions to contribute to society.
- Autonomy/independence.
- Ability to empathize with others who are different from themselves.
- Interest in human beings.
DP5: Integrative Learning Experiences and the Ability to Think Creatively
Students should be able to delve into issues independently, conduct research or study to solve those issues, and comprehensively utilize the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they have acquired.
- Comprehensive ability to utilize knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
- Ability to think creatively.
- Abilities to identify and solve issues.
Number of credits required for completion
Department and Major/Subject | Common subject | Specialized subject | Credits required for graduation |
Department of Child Education | 30 credits or more | 70 credits or more | 124 credits or more |
Department of Psychology and Social Work | 30 credits or more | 70 credits or more | 124 credits or more |
Nutritional Management, Department of Health and Nutrition | 30 credits or more | 70 credits or more | 124 credits or more |
Department of Global Studies | 30 credits or more | 70 credits or more | 124 credits or more |